Monday, June 25, 2012
All a-Board.
Just going back a little to the days before this meeting. I had conversations with the principal to get a feeling for what we might be saying to the members of the board, and was asked to bring a little bit of content with me. Just a nice video to show and some notes. It was all quite last minute, but I got them together in time to get to the meeting.
So, after the meeting starts I'm annouced as being there to tell the board something about our plans for computing. Frankly, that wasn't quite what I had in mind, after all, I wasn't even clear on why I was there in the first place, let alone aware of any plan.
Anyway, so I deftly deferred to the principal, who got things rolling. We showed our video and chatted about the future of computing, 1:1, different approaches, and a false start turned into a very productive meeting.
We even got to the point of talking about Windows 8 and the changes I could see coming, about how this would be the basis for a 1:1 computing plan and the desire to start moving in that direction.
So, the principal and I came away from the meeting with the support of The Board to go ahead and start working out how to move to an environment where every student has a computer of their own.
I feel my hope for 2012 being an easier year slipping away very quickly.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
First Post, w00t!
If nothing else this exercise will be an interesting return to running a blog. Although I've blogged before (most recently, here), this will be the firs time I've had a subject matter that constantly provides so much to blog about.
Because of time constraints, some of these entries are going to be posted retrospectively, but most should be reasonably current. Definitely the first bunch will be "the story so far", basically catching up on what's happened in the months since we started this project. So please, if I mention Planking or Psy, please don't be all "that's so last month", because it very much is, and you're probably a tool anyway.
I'll try to keep it light and coversational, I seem to do a lot of formal writing in the form of reports, proposals and official communications, so I'll try not to sound like a suit.