- it turns out Dell salespeople wouldn't know an active stylus from an active volcano
- The big news is that we've chosen the Dell XPS-12 as our staff computer for 2013. Samsung cou
ldn't produce a decent machine in time (or at all) and all the other options were either problematic in some way or just plain awful. It turns our however that there is no support for an active stylus with this machine, so we're going to have to go without or use a capacitive stylus (it turns out Dell salespeople wouldn't know an active stylus from an active volcano anyway). A shame, but not the end of the world. The upside is that the XPS-12 is a really nice piece of kit, it's very fast, light and small. Our teachers seemed quite impressed with it when we demoed it to them. So we're quietly confident that we've chosen the right device considering the options. Now we just have to get them delivered on time and get the staff used to Windows 8!
- We'd already decided we weren't interested in the Dell XT3, but it's worth noting here that Dell shipped us a demo that was not only heavily used, but broken. It was also an awful clunky looking machine. It's probably best if they don't keep that line going.
- We've been in communication with our parents about the plans to run two new programs next year. Year 11's and 12's will need to supply their own computer next year, and year 7's will have a hybrid Windows 8 tablet supplied to them. Parents of 11 and 12 students have been told they can supply a range of devices, basically anything that's a computer or a 10" and above tablet. We'll set them up with network access at the beginning of the year, as well as some other tips and information.
- Our iPad group will continue into 2013. I mention this because it's relevant as I was recently accused of being anti-iPad by an influential individual associated with the school. I find this interesting because we run an iPad program with one particular group of students, and it was my interest in the iPad that got it going in the first place (I have two iPads myself). Rather than unsettling that group by making changes, they'll keep plugging away with their iPads into next year. The program was a trial, and it hasn't exactly set the world on fire, but it's not terrible either. I quite like the idea of a multi-platform approach, as long as it doesn't put to much strain on the teachers or the I.T. Department.
- Finally, after much in the way of shenanigans, we've decided on a new Learning Management System (LMS). Originally the decision was made to delay this decision until sometime in the future, however after coming to their senses the College leadership went with the recommendation of their 1:1 Working Party (or sub-group thereof) to implement the Scholaris LMS. This is a widely used platform run on Sharepoint which can integrate well with our existing student data systems, making it something of a logical choice. The Working Party went to great lengths to assess varying LMS options, create a comparison matrix of features and justify their preferences. I'm quite glad that the recommendation was taken onboard, I only wish it had been immediate, rather than second-guessing the skilled and experienced people who arrived at said recommendation.
I think that's it, now it's off for a nice and hopefully relaxing Christmas break. I say hopefully relaxing, because with the usual workload plus a 1:1 program, BYOD program, staff tablet rollout and a new LMS 2013 is going to be a HUGE year.